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Cantina Giardino

Antonio Di Gruttola & Daniela De Gruttola

31 116 9811 KM

Vino Bianco -

Cantina Giardino - Antonio Di Gruttola & Daniela De Gruttola

Coda di Volpe, Greco - Campania - Vino Bianco

Vino Bianco
Total: 67 27 0

Al naso si presenta speziato e piuttosto netto. Si svela rilasciando sensazioni floreali e polpa di frutta chiara. In bocca lascia freschezza e grande acidità. Retrogusto secco, colore giallo.

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Vino Bianco latest posts, by users:

Vino Bianco 2016

Grippy balanced Crunch Quaff wine

winelinkitaly @winelinkitaly

Vino Bianco

Greco-greco-fiano anfora-rosso

soulcrumbs @soulcrumbs

Vino Bianco 2016

Très discret au nez, des notes florales et miel en bouche. Très difficile à décrire car un peu timide. Macération pelliculaire.

CheekyKamille @CheekyKamille

Vino Bianco 2018

9.3 / zero / scuola di vina / deeply yellow orange creamy color. On sight alone you can this one is a winner. It rests grandly in its magnum bottle. Upon opening up a fresh floral character hits the nose pretty hard. Immediate flavor sensation is bitterness, bit that quickly gives way to a citrus fruitiness and even some chewy cherry flavor gets in. Woody light tannins and just a lot going on. As wine continues to open it continues to develop. As you and your friends drink, you become very happy that this a magnum. You know you've made the right choice!

rderington @rderington

Vino Bianco 2018

partecipe, gioioso, dissetante !

gatta @gatta

Vino Bianco 2016

Easy but very very tastefull.

sterk1979 @sterk1979

Vino Bianco 2017

Simply wonderful!!

dimitris @dimitris


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