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Les Donneurs de Temps

Guillaume Gilet

6 17 8906 KM

After studying chemistry and then viticulture, I opted for a ten-year wine tour of France. Not coming from a family of winegrowers and therefore not owning land, I worked on sixteen farms of different sizes practicing mainly organic viticulture in different terroirs. These multiple experiences allowed me to lay the foundations for my installation project. My main concern has been and still is to develop a production model (scheme) that allows me to make a living from my passion without doing so to the detriment of the sustainability of nature and people. Doing things that make sense thus led me to create, in 2012, "Les Donneurs de Temps", a 1.5 hectare wine-growing operation. The acquired plots had been carried out in organic farming for more than ten years and I applied for organic certification with the 2014 vintage. The grapes are obviously grown and then vinified without synthetic organic products (petroleum products). To protect and help my vines to produce, I only use products that exist naturally on earth: sulfur, copper oxides, clays, talc and herbal teas. Weed control is achieved by mowing and mechanical and manual soil cultivation. The latter is fertilized once a year by incorporating Arbois sheep manure. In general, I try to reproduce ancestral gestures that respect natural rhythms and common sense in the vineyard. And of course, during winemaking, I choose to limit handling and inputs, which is why my wines can be qualified as natural wines. The company "Les Donneurs de Temps" was born in particular from the observation that operations, as they are conceived, generate a great deal of waste. On the other hand, they remain very fragile due to the huge investments that the agro-economic model favors. Out of conviction, "Les Donneurs de Temps" was therefore created without recourse to loans or subsidies, so as not to have to bear disproportionate financial costs and to retain a certain freedom. This was possible because I am surrounded by people and I have chosen to have a complementary activity from time to time. More than a domain or a farm, "Les Donneurs de Temps" is a transition that brings together people, from various backgrounds, who share these human and ecological values and more particularly those of mutual aid, the transmission of knowledge. and the exchange of know-how. My goal is to live with dignity from my work and to share my feelings through my wines. - 2014 -



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Wines at Les Donneurs de Temps

Rosé Wines

Ménage de printemps - Les Donneurs de Temps - guillaume-gilet
Ménage De Printemps


Orange Wines

Les Anges - Les Donneurs de Temps - guillaume-gilet
Les Anges


Sparkling wines

No sparkling wines at the moment.


