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Clos des Vignes du Maynes

Julien Guillot

31 108 8804 KM

Manganite -

Clos des Vignes du Maynes - Julien Guillot

Gamay - Bourgogne - Mâcon Cruzille



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Manganite latest posts, by users:

Mâcon Cruzille Manganite 2014

Much better than the 2012 I had. Very subtle, good nose, sophisticated (slightly acidic).

rafael-au-naturel @rafael-au-naturel

Mâcon Cruzille Manganite 2005

Merci pour c'est cadeaux!

gonzalo @gonzalo

Mâcon Cruzille Manganite 2014

These days, this kind of very fine semi-carbonic gluglu wine makes me a little afraid of finding semi-carbonic sameness, but this had enough subtlety and complexity to shine its own light.

oswaldocosta @oswaldocosta

Mâcon Cruzille Manganite 2016

La classe internationale, impossible à trouver du Gamay à l’aveugle ! Chapeaubas @julien74

olivia_mann @olivia_mann

Manganite 2013

Vino muy longevo, con marcada acidez todavía. Mejorará con unos años de botella.

winya33natura @winya33natura

MÂCON CRUZILLE - Manganite 2016

Carafe always, but it won t take long before you dive into a unique terroir for gamay. Dense, smooth, just the acidity needed to finish. Just great...

MapleJoe @MapleJoe

MÂCON CRUZILLE - Manganite 2017

Incredible! Drinking very well, get this!

andrewnk @andrewnk

Manganite 2017

vin incroyable. fruit vibrant, minéralité, acidité, équilibre parfait.

ffayot @ffayot

MÂCON CRUZILLE - Manganite 2014

F*ing delicious natural wine, subtle tannines often are missing from natural reds in my opinion but Julien Guillot packs the best punch so far.

samooms @samooms

Mâcon-Cruzille - Manganite 15

Faut le boire pour la foire Le beau est simple non ?

biogeneve19 @biogeneve19


THE BEST!!! Drank it on the Bourgogne winefair with Claire. She took it to apero. YAM!!

LauraInParis @LauraInParis

Mâcon Cruzille Manganite 2012

Needs extensive decanting (> 1hr), then becomes good but not great (not as great as some of the other wines from this domain).

rafael-au-naturel @rafael-au-naturel


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