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Clos des Vignes du Maynes

Julien Guillot

31 108 8804 KM

Sainte Geneviève Extra Brut -

Clos des Vignes du Maynes - Julien Guillot

- Bourgogne - Crémant de Bourgogne

Sainte Geneviève Extra Brut
Total: 7 3 0

Gras sur longue latte de + de 100 mois

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Sainte Geneviève Extra Brut latest posts, by users:

Sainte Geneviève

En fraîcheur, tranchant mais le fruit est croquant. Délicieux 😋

dominicpoulin @dominicpoulin

Sainte Geneviève

Dommage c'était la dernière !

Flo01 @Flo01

StJenevieva Extra brut 2014

Pure, complex, amazing finish

snezhanarevchuk @snezhanarevchuk


Latest venues selling Sainte Geneviève Extra Brut wine

TERROIR Fromages et Vins
15h30- 22h00

TERROIR Fromages et Vins

4 1 6835 KM

Bar Wine shop

We offer you good raw milk cheeses and lively wines. We also welcome you around a large table for our tasting evenings on Frid…
TERROIR Fromages et Vins
15h30- 22h00

TERROIR Fromages et Vins

4 1 6835 KM

Bar Wine shop

We offer you good raw milk cheeses and lively wines. We also welcome you around a large table for our tasting evenings on Frid…
TERROIR Fromages et Vins
15h30- 22h00

TERROIR Fromages et Vins

4 1 6835 KM

Bar Wine shop

We offer you good raw milk cheeses and lively wines. We also welcome you around a large table for our tasting evenings on Frid…
TERROIR Fromages et Vins
15h30- 22h00

TERROIR Fromages et Vins

4 1 6835 KM

Bar Wine shop

We offer you good raw milk cheeses and lively wines. We also welcome you around a large table for our tasting evenings on Frid…
TERROIR Fromages et Vins
15h30- 22h00

TERROIR Fromages et Vins

4 1 6835 KM

Bar Wine shop

We offer you good raw milk cheeses and lively wines. We also welcome you around a large table for our tasting evenings on Frid…
TERROIR Fromages et Vins
15h30- 22h00

TERROIR Fromages et Vins

4 1 6835 KM

Bar Wine shop

We offer you good raw milk cheeses and lively wines. We also welcome you around a large table for our tasting evenings on Frid…
Locanda Rocco da Francesco

Locanda Rocco da Francesco

11 0 7556 KM


Locanda Rocco da Francesco is a small hotel restaurant in Sirolo (An) Riviera del Conero. The restaurant offers seafood cuisin…