Minimus Wines / Omero/ Origin / Craft Wine Co. - Laura Cusick & Meredith Bell logo

Minimus Wines / Omero/ Origin / Craft Wine Co.

Laura Cusick & Meredith Bell

20 26 4052 KM

CRAFT WINE CO IS THE HOME OF OMERO CELLARS, MINIMUS WINES AND ORIGIN WINE… OMERO is the building block of our small company, a label that pays homage to the history of the Willamette Valley region and the founders of the local wine industry. In creating Omero, we take a fresh, simplistic approach to creating affordable and delicious wines by traditional methods, without additives. MINIMUS is our research and development brand, beginning as a series of experiments meant to push the boundaries of winemaking and viticulture and explore the possibilities in this diverse region. We use a variety of fermentation vessels, and work with as many different cultivars and clones as we can, often producing wines that will never be repeated. ORIGIN exists to give us the opportunity to showcase wines so special to us that we isolate and highlight them as individuals, rather than blend them into larger production. These wines will be different every year. If we don't discover the unique wine in the cellar that compels us to bottle it as an individual, we may not make an Origin series in that vintage. CRAFT WINE CO is where we bring it all together. We pride ourselves on making authentic wines, from one-off experiments, to special occasion wines, to everyday wines for the dinner table. Our winemaking across all three of our brands is intentional and focused on small lots with little intervention. Using native yeasts and little to no new oak, we attempt to allow the purest expression of this unique and diverse region.



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Wines at Minimus Wines / Omero/ Origin / Craft Wine Co.


