Château Combel La Serre - Sophie & Julien Ilbert logo

Château Combel La Serre

Sophie & Julien Ilbert

11 23 8445 KM

Family property of 23 hectares (22 of Côt and 1 of Vermentino) located 17 km from Cahors on the Causse Limestone, Combel-la-Serre was born under the impulse of Jean-Pierre ILBERT who decided to leave the cellar cooperative in 1998 to become independent. His son, Julien, returned to the property in 2003 and today works with Sophie, his wife. Gradually, the couple breathed new life into the estate: conversion to organic (via Ecocert), return to manual harvesting throughout the vineyard with sorting at harvest, work on the different terroirs with respect for plants, reflection on consistency of the range of wines offered by the estate.



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Wines at Château Combel La Serre


