Charlie Herring Wines - Tim Phillips logo

Charlie Herring Wines

Tim Phillips

4 4 8215 KM

Located in Hampshire’s New Forest less than 2.5 miles from the sea on the south coast of England, Charlie Herring comprises a seven acre smallholding with woodland, orchards and a walled vineyard. With nature at its core the wine growing philosophy is minimal intervention with the aim of producing wines that reflect the biodiversity and gravel soils of the area.

Ancient hazel coppice surrounds the winery and provides both a sustainable source of fuel and a thriving habitat with a pond at the eastern edge providing water for all.

Apple trees dating back to the 1860’s have survived the ravages of time and have been augmented with more recent plantings along with self-seeded oaks and thorn to provide diverse and nature rich orchards which supply fruit for cider.

The once abandoned 19th century walled garden provides a fantastic environment for Chardonnay, Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc vines. The combination of gravel soils, Lymington’s maritime climate and the thermal properties of the walls offer a unique vine-growing opportunity from which we craft both still and sparkling wines.

The importance of the interplay between all these elements cannot be over-emphasised in terms of the resilience they provide to the whole through complexity.



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Wines at Charlie Herring Wines

Red Wines

No red wines at the moment.

Rosé Wines

No rose wines at the moment.

Orange Wines

No orange wines at the moment.


