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Agri Segretum

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Pottarello -

La Segreta - Agri Segretum

Sangiovese/Malvasia Nera/Colorino - Umbria - Todi rosso doc

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Posted by users:

Full bodied, with hints of berries and spices. Really easy to drink and pair!

Full-bodied red on the drier side. Delicious!

Excellent full bodied tastes great

Delicious. Deep red, hearty with fresh fruit and some spice.

5 users have posted "Pottarello"

Pottarello latest posts, by users:

Pottarello 2015

Excellent full bodied tastes great

dpholland7 @dpholland7

Pottarello 2015

Full-bodied red on the drier side. Delicious!

MaryE89 @MaryE89

Pottarello 15

Full bodied, with hints of berries and spices. Really easy to drink and pair!

vanderwilliam @vanderwilliam