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Vincent Fleith

Brigitte et Vincent Fleith

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Pinot Blanc - 2016

Vincent Fleith - Brigitte et Vincent Fleith

Pinot Blanc, Auxerrois - Alsace-Lorraine - AOC Alsace

Pinot Blanc


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Posted by users:

Fumé, sous-bois, vif, sec.

Amazingly refreshing in Paris’s hot streets yesterday. Loved those pear notes I tasted.

2 users have posted "Pinot Blanc"
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Pinot Blanc latest posts, by users:

Pinot Blanc 2015

Amazingly refreshing in Paris’s hot streets yesterday. Loved those pear notes I tasted.

rrayhab @rrayhab

Pinot Blanc 2016

Fumé, sous-bois, vif, sec.

Thomas-T @Thomas-T