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Marzagana Elementales

Claudio Luis Lorenzo

15 21 6745 KM

Elementales -

Marzagana Elementales - Claudio Luis Lorenzo

Listán Negro - Islas Canarias



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Posted by users:

Acid; refreshing, herbal aromas. Young wine without added sulphites, first I ser in the Canary Islands. Stayed optimal for consumption for three days, fell afterwards. From La Perdoma, Tenerife

2 users have posted "Elementales"

Elementales latest posts, by users:

Elementales 2019

Acid; refreshing, herbal aromas. Young wine without added sulphites, first I ser in the Canary Islands. Stayed optimal for consumption for three days, fell afterwards. From La Perdoma, Tenerife

pabloag10 @pabloag10