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Vexebo Vin

Daniel Milan

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Solaris -

Vexebo Vin - Daniel Milan


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Great Danish wine! Notes of apples. Balanced acidity.


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A Danish natural wine - the best one I have tasted! It is sooo good! A lot is nuts and butter going on here. Gooseberries. Very balanced and went really good with food. Delicious! Daniel is a true pioneer in Danish winemaking!

Great Danish wine! Notes of apples. Balanced acidity.

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Solaris - Vexebo Vin - Daniel Milan

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Vexebo Vin 2019

A Danish natural wine - the best one I have tasted! It is sooo good! A lot is nuts and butter going on here. Gooseberries. Very balanced and went really good with food. Delicious! Daniel is a true pioneer in Danish winemaking!

olme @olme