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Cantina Pantun

Domenico Caragnano

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Skietto -

Cantina Pantun - Domenico Caragnano

Primitivo - Puglia - Vino rosso

Total: 14 6 0

Schietto (Primitivo in purezza). Acciaio – senza solfiti aggiunti. Vino di grande bevibilità, l’acidità lo caratterizza.


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Vin équilibré et profond, bonne fraîcheur et tanins modérés. Grande buvabilité.

Macerated for 12-15 days and aged for 8 months in concrete tanks. Fresh and we’ll balanced, therefore very drinkable! Satisfying!

À laisser respirer avant de déguster... bien équilibré, arômes fruités, bonbon acidulé... délicieux!

6 users have posted "Skietto"

Skietto latest posts, by users:

Skietto 2015

À laisser respirer avant de déguster... bien équilibré, arômes fruités, bonbon acidulé... délicieux!

jey @jey

Skietto 2017

Fresh and fruity... 😁

manusolovino @manusolovino

Skietto 2020

Macerated for 12-15 days and aged for 8 months in concrete tanks. Fresh and we’ll balanced, therefore very drinkable! Satisfying!

nrocco @nrocco