Sclavos Wines - Evriviades "Vladis" Sclavos logo

Sclavos Wines

Evriviades "Vladis" Sclavos

16 55 10345 KM

Alchymiste -

Sclavos Wines - Evriviades "Vladis" Sclavos

- Cephalonia - Cephalonia



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16 users have posted "Alchymiste"
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Alchymiste latest posts, by users:

Alchymiste 18 - 2021

Salty pineapples. Loads of acidity and structure. Extra dry. Super solid wine. Stood up very nicely to a plate of butter chicken.

keeknat @keeknat

Alchymiste 2021 - 2021

Salty pear. Clear ocean water. Fresh, with a kick of acidity on the finish to keep things interesting. Lovely wine. Alchymiste never disappoints.

keeknat @keeknat

Alchymiste 2022 - 2021


josebaBeltz @josebaBeltz

Alchymiste 2019 - 2021

Région : cephalonie Leger Robe jaune clair claire Nez et petite bouche de Retsina Belle rondeur Côté vert

selmasalem @selmasalem