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La Cave Béclair

Gildas & Thierry Béclair

7 14 8268 KM

Chenin Faisant - 2018

La Cave Béclair - Gildas & Thierry Béclair

Chenin Blanc - Loire Valley - Pays de la Loire

Chenin Faisant
Total: 2 3 0

Frais, bourré d'énergie, un vin limpide plein de surprises


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Posted by users:

Great one with noticible acidity. Touch of VA

Frais, bourré d'énergie, un vin limpide plein de surprises

3 users have posted "Chenin Faisant"

Chenin Faisant latest posts, by users:

Chenin Faisant 2018

Great one with noticible acidity. Touch of VA

patmat @patmat