Bodega Vinificate - Mahara Viticultores - Jose & Miguel Gomez logo

Bodega Vinificate - Mahara Viticultores

Jose & Miguel Gomez

11 23 7688 KM

Amorro Blanco -

Bodega Vinificate - Mahara Viticultores - Jose & Miguel Gomez

Palomino Fino - Andalucía

Amorro Blanco


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Posted by users:
6 users have posted "Amorro Blanco"

Amorro Blanco latest posts, by users:

Amorro Blanco 2016

Funky sherry-like bitterness. Stoney mineral, lemon pith and long acidic end

mrjameshines @mrjameshines

Amorro Blanco 2017

Very fresh. Lots of mineral. Citrus. Great with salty food. We had it with cold cuts and it worked superbly.

Göran @Göran

Amorro Blanco 19

Spain / Andalucia 出汁、いやグレープフルーツ

NatuRIO @NatuRIO