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Intellego Wines

Jurgen Gouws

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The Story of Harry

Intellego Wines - Jurgen Gouws

Chenin Blanc - Western Cape

The Story of Harry
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Rond, frais, belle complexité.

Harry is a fictional character to acknowledge the hard work done in the vineyards by the passionate local Swartland workers. The Chenin Blanc vineyard was planted on decomposed granite soil in 1965. These vines were grafted as it was a very popular practise during this period and why you find a few Crouchen Blanc vines in between the Chenin Blanc. These bush vines are farmed dry land and situated on a North facing slope on poor sandy soil. The fruit ripens quite late compared to the cooler Southern slopes where the morning sun is more abundant. Low yields of 10 – 20 hl/l makes this a crunch wine filled with intense flavours and lovely structure. SOIL: decomposed granite. VARIETY: 100% dry land chenin blanc bush vine planted in 1965. VINIFICATION: whole bunch press and fermented in old 300L french oak barrels. BARRELS: 300L barrels. MATURATION: aged in old french oak barrels for 7 months depending on the vintage.

3 users have posted "The Story of Harry"

The Story of Harry latest posts, by users:

The Story of Harry 2016

Harry is a fictional character to acknowledge the hard work done in the vineyards by the passionate local Swartland workers. The Chenin Blanc vineyard was planted on decomposed granite soil in 1965. These vines were grafted as it was a very popular practise during this period and why you find a few Crouchen Blanc vines in between the Chenin Blanc. These bush vines are farmed dry land and situated on a North facing slope on poor sandy soil. The fruit ripens quite late compared to the cooler Southern slopes where the morning sun is more abundant. Low yields of 10 – 20 hl/l makes this a crunch wine filled with intense flavours and lovely structure. SOIL: decomposed granite. VARIETY: 100% dry land chenin blanc bush vine planted in 1965. VINIFICATION: whole bunch press and fermented in old 300L french oak barrels. BARRELS: 300L barrels. MATURATION: aged in old french oak barrels for 7 months depending on the vintage.

punkit @punkit

The Story of Harry 2017

Rond, frais, belle complexité.

Manon49 @Manon49