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Clot de l'Origine

Marc & Caroline Barriot

13 44 8564 KM

Le Clot De L’Origine -

Clot de l'Origine - Marc & Caroline Barriot

Grenache Blanc, Grenache Gris - Roussillon

Le Clot De L’Origine


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Posted by users:

100% Carignan. Took 4 hours to completely open up. Tasted it every hour and the change was remarkable! Earthy and spicy with complexity and a little funk. Everyone loved it.

5 users have posted "Le Clot De L’Origine"

Le Clot De L’Origine latest posts, by users:

Le Clot De L’Origine 2011

100% Carignan. Took 4 hours to completely open up. Tasted it every hour and the change was remarkable! Earthy and spicy with complexity and a little funk. Everyone loved it.

rakhal @rakhal