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Clot de l'Origine

Marc & Caroline Barriot

13 44 8564 KM

Carignan - 2014

Clot de l'Origine - Marc & Caroline Barriot

Carignan - Roussillon - Vin De France

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This wine was marked down from 14 to 10 Euro in the shop because the owner was well aware that it would probably be ‘a bit too natural’ for most customers. And it is natural wine in the variant that will make most/some drinkers spit it out again. Like fermented dishwashing water some might say. I have personally tasted other wines like this and the longer it sits in the glass the better it gets.. and you can begin to taste the grapes and the old vines. I wonder if Marc is happy with it? At least it is different and fun.



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This wine was marked down from 14 to 10 Euro in the shop because the owner was well aware that it would probably be ‘a bit too natural’ for most customers. And it is natural wine in the variant that will make most/some drinkers spit it out again. Like fermented dishwashing water some might say. I have personally tasted other wines like this and the longer it sits in the glass the better it gets.. and you can begin to taste the grapes and the old vines. I wonder if Marc is happy with it? At least it is different and fun.

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