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Cascina Tavijn

Nadia Verrua

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Ruschena - 2016

Cascina Tavijn - Nadia Verrua

Ruchè - Piemonte - Vino Rosso

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Vino rosso che si abbina perfettamente con cacciagione e erborinati.


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Purple flowers and muddled berries. Nadia’s wines are full of soul and energy.

Animale e vero come un animale vero

Vino rosso che si abbina perfettamente con cacciagione e erborinati.

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Animale e vero come un animale vero

certo @certo

Ruschena 2016

Purple flowers and muddled berries. Nadia’s wines are full of soul and energy.

davidmcduff @davidmcduff