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Dominio del Urogallo

Nicolás Marcos

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Pésico Tinto - 2012

Dominio del Urogallo - Nicolás Marcos

Albarín Tinto, Carrasquín, Verdejo Tinto, Mencía - Principado de Asturias - Vino de España

Pésico Tinto


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Yaaas! Stewed fruit. Bordering on plum. Charming VA. Deep brett leather. Lovely acidity. Fun.

Not bad. Bit of VA on the nose. Wine doesn't smell very clean. Flavour is good, bit of old oak used which gives it some astringency in the finish.

Smoky, layered, dark, meaty and delicious

4 users have posted "Pésico Tinto"

Pésico Tinto latest posts, by users:

Pésico Tinto 2013

Smoky, layered, dark, meaty and delicious

bonvivantdude @bonvivantdude

Pésico Tinto

Not bad. Bit of VA on the nose. Wine doesn't smell very clean. Flavour is good, bit of old oak used which gives it some astringency in the finish.


Pésico Tinto 2013

Yaaas! Stewed fruit. Bordering on plum. Charming VA. Deep brett leather. Lovely acidity. Fun.

sroginson @sroginson