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Cantina di Torra

Nicolas Mariotti Bindi

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Porcellese Non Solus - 2020

Cantina di Torra - Nicolas Mariotti Bindi

Niellucciu - Corse

Porcellese Non Solus


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13% Unfiltered red wine niellucciu from Oletta en Corse. SO2 <20 Mg/L This wine is really a must try if you have the pleasure to visit the Cantina di Torra or if you find somewhere else. It has a rich flavour it taste good and smells even better! You can feel the wood of the tank where it rested.

1 users have posted "Porcellese Non Solus"

Porcellese Non Solus latest posts, by users:

Porcellese Non Solus 2020 - 2020

13% Unfiltered red wine niellucciu from Oletta en Corse. SO2 <20 Mg/L This wine is really a must try if you have the pleasure to visit the Cantina di Torra or if you find somewhere else. It has a rich flavour it taste good and smells even better! You can feel the wood of the tank where it rested.

Le_Renard_Rouge @Le_Renard_Rouge