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Odilio Antoniotti

Odilio & Mattia Antoniotti

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Bramaterra -

Odilio Antoniotti - Odilio & Mattia Antoniotti

Nebbiolo - Piemonte - Piemonte



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Un capolavoro di forza ed eleganza!!

Mostly Nebbiolo with some Croatina, Vespolina and Bonarda. Very classic profile (aged in large botti) and the remainder of this bottle is drinking quite well after being open for almost a week sitting on our counter.

3 users have posted "Bramaterra"
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Bramaterra latest posts, by users:

Bramaterra 2013 - 2018

Mostly Nebbiolo with some Croatina, Vespolina and Bonarda. Very classic profile (aged in large botti) and the remainder of this bottle is drinking quite well after being open for almost a week sitting on our counter.

runswithcorkscrew @runswithcorkscrew

Bramaterra 2013 - 2018

Un capolavoro di forza ed eleganza!!

Ombralonga @Ombralonga