Les Vins Contés (CLOSED) - Olivier Lemasson (CLOSED) logo

Les Vins Contés (CLOSED)

Olivier Lemasson (CLOSED)

25 68 8460 KM

R14 - 2014

Les Vins Contés (CLOSED) - Olivier Lemasson (CLOSED)

Grolleau, Gamay, Pineau D’Aunis - Loire Valley

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R of 2014 by Les Vins Contes. It is a natural cuvée of Grolleau, Gamay, and Pineau D’Aunis. This wine is named after the clunky and unreliable cars of the 70’s and 80’s made by the French car make Renault.


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R of 2014 by Les Vins Contes. It is a natural cuvée of Grolleau, Gamay, and Pineau D’Aunis. This wine is named after the clunky and unreliable cars of the 70’s and 80’s made by the French car make Renault.

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R14 2014


Mathieu @Mathieu