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Rita Babini & Claudio Ancarani

14 47 9502 KM

Indigeno -

Ancarani - Rita Babini & Claudio Ancarani

Trebbiano Romagnolo - Emilia-romagna - Ravenna Trebbiano frizzante

Total: 49 26 3

Trebbiano (ugni blanc) en pet‘nat tout simplement fantastique!


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18 users have posted "Indigeno"

Indigeno latest posts, by users:

Indigeno 2016

Very nice for apero. Fresh with a strong acidity

zellcc @zellcc

Indigeno 2017

Spritz season! 🥂✨

leaveworknow @leaveworknow


A yeasty bubbly with energetic acidity. Leaves an expressive aftertaste that could push one to commit crimes for just one more god damn sip. Refreshing, perfect for being under the sun.

danya @danya

Indigeno 2018

Ancestral dose of happiness

errines @errines

Indigeno 2018

Una bolla romagnola di tutto rispetto. Secco sapido ottimo

tomnegri75 @tomnegri75

Indigeno 2018

Sparkling Trebbiano “sui lieviti” ...fresh and extremely drinkable with 11.5% and 20mg/l at bottling...count one bottle per person if you have guests 😁

mikifalcone @mikifalcone

Indigeno 2019

Tasty easy drinking with slight salinity.

dthendrixson @dthendrixson


Carattere naturale molto rilevante. Fresco, piacevole, grande acidità, non ti stanca mai...anzi

Teozzi @Teozzi

Indigeno 2016

Very tart (almost bitter) and dry, yeasty, bubbly pét-nat. Very refreshing! Really good

danaak @danaak