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Montesecondo - Silvio Messana

Sangiovese - Toscana

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100% Sangiovese à 300m d'altitude, levures indigènes, non filtré. Beaucoup de gourmandise dans ce jus, du croquant et un toucher de bouche tout en finesse.

Bold with a surprising elegance, fruit forward at first taste with a dry finish. As it opens, a balanced earth flavor takes over the fruit taste.

11 users have posted "Montesecondo"

Montesecondo latest posts, by users:

Montesecondo 2016

Very subtle and elegant relative to many a skin macerated white. Six months on the skins in clay anfora.

davidmcduff @davidmcduff

Rosso 2018

Glou glou from Tuscany ❤️

runswithcorkscrew @runswithcorkscrew

Montesecondo 2018

Vino pulito, leggero, non complesso, bassa acidità (100% sangiovese) Montesecondo produce anche un chianti classico (90% sangiovese) e un Trebbiano Clear, light, not complex and with a low level of acidity Montesecondo produces also a Chianti and a Trebbiano wines

simonemasetti @simonemasetti

Montesecondo 2018

Bold with a surprising elegance, fruit forward at first taste with a dry finish. As it opens, a balanced earth flavor takes over the fruit taste.

neada @neada

Montesecondo 2020

100% Sangiovese à 300m d'altitude, levures indigènes, non filtré. Beaucoup de gourmandise dans ce jus, du croquant et un toucher de bouche tout en finesse.

Lyno @Lyno