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Simone Ambrosini

7 19 9474 KM

Ramingo -

Indomiti - Simone Ambrosini

Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Bianco - Veneto - Vin de Pays

Total: 3 1 0


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Posted by users:

Fresh, zesty with notes of pear and peach. Pairs wonderfully with light dishes, such as liver and fish-dishes. Bio/Biodynamic (uncertified) wineyard. ramingo has 11mg/L sulphites. Unfiltered.

4 users have posted "Ramingo"

Ramingo latest posts, by users:

ramingo 20

Fresh, zesty with notes of pear and peach. Pairs wonderfully with light dishes, such as liver and fish-dishes. Bio/Biodynamic (uncertified) wineyard. ramingo has 11mg/L sulphites. Unfiltered.

leonouk @leonouk