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Laurent Bannwarth

Stéphane Bannwarth

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Riesling Coeur de Bild -

Laurent Bannwarth - Stéphane Bannwarth

Riesling - Alsace-Lorraine - Alsace

Riesling Coeur de Bild


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Bu en 2023, c’est beau

Again, great riesling from Alsace. Citrus and broth like smoothness. Somehow I smell roasted sesamy seads and chilli oil???

2 users have posted "Riesling Coeur de Bild"

Riesling Coeur de Bild latest posts, by users:

Riesling Coeur de Bild 13

Again, great riesling from Alsace. Citrus and broth like smoothness. Somehow I smell roasted sesamy seads and chilli oil???

patmat @patmat