Aristotelis Ke Anthoula - Akea Wine - Tony Zafirakos & Mads Park-Neilson logo

Aristotelis Ke Anthoula - Akea Wine

Tony Zafirakos & Mads Park-Neilson

12 13 24523 KM

Pata Trava
Total: 2 0 0

It was a yum as pet nat... at least I think it was. I cleaned my teeth just beforehand so it’s hard to tell exactly what it was like. It was just such a beautiful, hot afternoon that I couldn’t help but pop it immediately. Certainly a fun colour, perfect amount of fizz, and I still liked it at the end of bottle, when I assume most of my toothpaste had washed away. 7/10 gimmes



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It was a yum as pet nat... at least I think it was. I cleaned my teeth just beforehand so it’s hard to tell exactly what it was like. It was just such a beautiful, hot afternoon that I couldn’t help but pop it immediately. Certainly a fun colour, perfect amount of fizz, and I still liked it at the end of bottle, when I assume most of my toothpaste had washed away. 7/10 gimmes

1 users have posted "Pata Trava"