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Ms. van Riemsdijkweg 306, 1033 RC Amsterdam, Netherlands

12 0 6496 KM


Vronski - 2020

Slobodne - Michal Kuropka, Agnes Lovecká, Katarína Kuropková

Trnava Region - Trnava Region

Vronski - Slobodne - Michal Kuropka, Agnes Lovecká, Katarína Kuropková -2020
Contrast logo Contrast - 12 Nov. 2023
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Family estate, SW slovakia, Devin is a Slovakian variety, blended here with Tramin, with a 6 week skin contact. They also have bees and other crops on their 350 hectare farm. Currently run by two sisters. The wine is clean, direct and smooth and has tasting notes of lychee

6496 KM


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François-Xavier Dauré, F.X. for short, earliest memories of working in family vineyards. Took over family domain in 2015 and started conversion to organic farming. Worked with Tom Lubbe at Matassa alongside farming own vines (16ha) for 5 vintages (lot of work!) 7-day whole bunch co-fermentation in large fiberglass tanks. Pressed, then juice transferred back to the fiberglass to complete fermentation. Wine goes through full malolactic fermentation.

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