Bar Wine Shop Restaurant
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Enoteca Bistrot da Alessandro e Piero

Via Giorgio Asproni, 7, 07100 Sassari, Italy

16 4 7383 KM


1701 Sullerba

1701 Franciacorta - Silvia & Federico Stefini

Chardonnay - Lombardia

1701 Sullerba - 1701 Franciacorta - Silvia & Federico Stefini

Bar Restaurant Caviste

Wines at Enoteca Bistrot da Alessandro e Piero:
Cantina Sa Defenza
Pietro, Paolo & Anna Marchi
Maistru - Cantina Sa Defenza - Pietro, Paolo & Anna Marchi
Dietro Le Case
Cantine Barbera
Marilena Barbera
Dietro Le Case - Cantine Barbera - Marilena Barbera
Azienda Vitivinicola Pippia
Stefano Pippia
Nieddera - Azienda Vitivinicola Pippia - Stefano Pippia
Deperu Holler
Carlo Deperu & Tatiana Holler
Fria - Deperu Holler - Carlo Deperu & Tatiana Holler
Discover wines at Enoteca Bistrot da Alessandro e Piero
Posted by users:

It’s natural Franciacorta

Beautiful balance between elegant chard fruit and rustic must (used for second fermentation). Vegetal and precise, showing artichoke and grass with soft foam and clean acid. Moorish!

Taste like green apples mixed with ripe pears and a squeeze of lime. The light carbonation gives it a kombucha mouthfeel. Nice experience!

9 users have posted "1701 Sullerba"