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Enoteca Bistrot da Alessandro e Piero

Via Giorgio Asproni, 7, 07100 Sassari, Italy

16 4 7383 KM



Villa Job - Alessandro Job

Refosco peduncolo rosso - Friuli-Venezia Giulia - IGT Venezia Gulia

Serious - Villa Job - Alessandro Job

Bar Restaurant Caviste

Wines at Enoteca Bistrot da Alessandro e Piero:
Le Pendu Du Raisin
Cascina degli Ulivi
Filippo Mammone & Ilaria Bellotti
Le Pendu Du Raisin - Cascina degli Ulivi - Filippo Mammone & Ilaria Bellotti
De Vidda
Tenute Bonamici
Pasquale Bonamici
De Vidda - Tenute Bonamici - Pasquale Bonamici -2020
Azienda Vitivinicola Pippia
Stefano Pippia
Nieddera - Azienda Vitivinicola Pippia - Stefano Pippia
Cantina Sa Defenza
Pietro, Paolo & Anna Marchi
Maistru - Cantina Sa Defenza - Pietro, Paolo & Anna Marchi
Discover wines at Enoteca Bistrot da Alessandro e Piero
Posted by users:

WHY SO SERIOUS ??? 🤔🤔 ------------- Welcoming and understanding things seriously is a great quality ... .... it means that you are conscientious, diligent and decidedly considerate ........ On the other side of the road, on the other hand, taking things too seriously can cause unnecessary tension, and enlarging trivial things ... But we are now Dead Souls, or at least in Stand-by ..... stunned and addicted to reality and by caring and condescending media ..... If we become aware of why we tend to learn things too seriously and learn to face life with courage, discreet humor and lightness ..... we will stop being so serious and enjoying the little everyday things ..... a movie .... a thought ..... a post ..... a writing ... an invitation .... a menu ..... a lunch of tomato gnocchi ..... but also ...... that we are not entirely dead souls ... but only in STAND-BY ..... He reminds us in this case .. with a provocation ... the title of his wine .... Alessandro Job of @villajob wines in Friuli with ....... SERIOUS Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso 2016/17, two vintages united in one sip. Young vineyards, fermentation in open vats, cement, large cask, then bottle. Alessandro very nice mustachioed Vigneron Toscano moved to Friuli in the properties of his grandfather gives us this media provocation. SERIOUS? .... 🤔🤔🤔 Not Too Much Please. An immediate, vinous, cherry and vegetable refosco, where pepper and cloves decorate the nose and mouth making the drink pleasant, convivial and pleasant. A soft and velvety tannin inserted in a creamy and tasty fresh liquid where the spicy note dominates an average long finish. Excellent and stamped now but that can have a nice evolution, leaving it to rest for a while in the cellar. And Dead Souls remind us as well IAN CURTIS and JOY DIVISION in "Dead Souls"

13 users have posted "Serious"