Wine Shop
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Le Brass’in

17 Rue Pierre Carbon, 69270 Fontaines-sur-Saône, France

4 1 6830 KM



Sclavos Wines - Evriviades "Vladis" Sclavos

Moschatella, Vostilidi - Cephalonia

Efranor - Sclavos Wines - Evriviades "Vladis" Sclavos
Le Brass’in logo Le Brass’in - 29 Mar. 2023
8 7 0


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Evriviadis Sclavos is famous for showcasing the local grape varieties of Kefalonia, through soft farming methods coupled with his personal winemaking style. The delightful combination of the aromatic Moschatella and the robust Vostilidi gives delicate aromas of ripe citrus fruits, lemon blossom and roses. Balanced taste with fruity character anf refreshing acidity.

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