Wine Shop Amager

Parmagade 14, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark

4 2 6778 KM


Ddèfiu - 2017

Abbazia San Giorgio - Battista Belvisi

Zibibbo - Sicily - Sicilia

Ddèfiu - Abbazia San Giorgio - Battista Belvisi -2017
WINE MADE BY A NATURAL WINEMAKER Amager logo Amager - 27 Apr. 2022
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Posted by users:

Ddèfiu 2017 @abbaziasangiorgio @battista_belvisi @ fontana091_beppefontana #pantelleria #rimessaroscioli ------------- A wave of Mediterranean flavors for this late harvest zibibbo .... dehydrated fruit, aromatic herbs, capers, honey, caramel, scrub and salt are the organoleptic sensory emotions of this Pantelleria nectar ... and then if a small part is created of C02 happy, nice and carefree drinking is guaranteed ..... Sweetness, dryness and effervescence at the same time frame a moment of enchantment ... the banquet is unfortunately missing ... but there will be ... because we all know .... precious things are also the rarest ... That's more or less what my mood is telling me ... but it's also what American SCREAMING TREES vocalize, or the Screaming Trees in "More or less"

1 users have posted "Ddèfiu"