Catarratto 2017

Agricola VIRÀ - Vincenzo Rappa

Catarratto - Sicilia - IGP Terre Siciliane

Catarratto 2017 - Agricola VIRÀ - Vincenzo Rappa
agricolavira @agricolavira - 29 Oct. 2018
10 3 1
AlexGudkov 14 Aug. 2019

please tell me where can I buy natural wines in Palermo ?

Posted by users:

7.4 / $30 / Scuola di Vino / Orange as fuck. More skin contact than most reds. Grip and bite to the point of almost being unpleasant. Interesting wine, but don't crack this open unless you have at least a couple friends to share . More than a glass in a sitting will be overbearing. Serious caramel nose with dried apricot and astringent leather taste. So dark orange that it almost looks brownish whiskey in the glass. If you plan to drink this bottle yourself, you'll hate it. If you want to share it with one other person; you'll suffer through it. Ideal situation is sharing with four other folks besides yourself. It's a very interesting wine, but a single small pour is enough. Another idea might be to throw it back in fridge and drink a glass with your dinner throughout the week. Will pair well with a lot of foods. Starchy cheesy stuff like mac and cheese or mashed potatoes would do well with this wine. Also brite ceviches. This wine will make a wide variety of flavors pop. Worth checking out, but not glou glou by any stretch. Cray cray orange wine.

Limonade sicilienne

Apples, apricots and prunes. A summery but mellow orange with a long finish. Enjoyed perfectly with olives and crisps.

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