
Čotar - Branko & Vasja Čotar

Malvasia - Slovenia - Slovenia

Malvazija - Čotar - Branko & Vasja Čotar
sandropoletti @sandropoletti - 18 Jan. 2021
89 62 0

Istrian Malvasia 2016 Winery Čotar @vina_cotar ——————————————— Fermentation and maceration for 7/10 days, aging in exhausted oak barrels for about 2 years .... Orange zest, quince, peaches and dehydrated apricots, mandarin, dried flowers, hints of tropical fruit .... Eccentric sip ... persuasive and complete ..... the fragrant liquid invades and affects the taste buds giving body, glycerine, freshness, a smooth tannin and peculiar flavor .... a very long finish ..... Acidity, salt, alcohol and a spicy finish give a balanced, regenerating, rocky and Karst drink ..... EXPECTING ... Ahhhhh the Karst .... what a magnificent landscape .... full and rich in territoriality, image and fingerprints ..... A unique wine, a charismatic wine, a clean and uncorrupted wine .... As is NEIL YOUNG and Jonny Deep, in the soundtrack of "Dead Man" .....

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Outstanding wine by Vasja Čotar. Malvazija on the skins for this natural wine from the Slovenian Kras. Really good wine.

Pesche, agrumi, fiori, rosmarino, resina e zolfo. Varietale e territoriale, versatilissimo a tavola come sul divano, non precisissimo (volatile leggermente alta?), elettrizzante. ❤ cotar

Sour beer vibe 🤪

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