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Rune Elkjaer & Anaïs Amiel

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Carignan -

Elkjaer-Amiel - Rune Elkjaer & Anaïs Amiel

Carignan - Vallée du Rhône - Vin De France

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No.... not what I want to drink these days ! Very powerful, straight, lots of acidity almost bitter and what’s that nose .... slightly corked ? Just a bad bottle ?


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No.... not what I want to drink these days ! Very powerful, pretty straight, acidity, ... and what’s that nose ?!?! Slightly corked ? Doesn’t taste corked though .... just a bad bottle?

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Carignan 15

No.... not what I want to drink these days ! Very powerful, pretty straight, acidity, ... and what’s that nose ?!?! Slightly corked ? Doesn’t taste corked though .... just a bad bottle?

buddhamountain @buddhamountain