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Andi Weigand

Andi Weigand

13 27 9378 KM

White Cuvée -

Andi Weigand - Andi Weigand

Silvaner , Müller-Thurgau, Riesling, Scheurebe, Bacchus ,Weissburgunder - Franken

White Cuvée
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Pubblicato dagli utenti:

Lemon bubble gum. Sour patch kids. A tasteful amount of cilantro in a pineapple salsa. This one made me think, and my final answer is I quite like it!

21 users have posted "White Cuvée"

"White Cuvée" vini pubblicati dai locali:

White Cuvée ultimi post degli utenti:


C’est très bon et pas cher

kinkle @kinkle

WHITE 2020

White flowers, pear and honey

patmat @patmat

WHITE 2020

Frais et super buvable, fruité et aromatique d'une manière agréable et légère. Il a une acidité agréable et rafraîchissante et une touche d'onctuosité - très difficile à ne pas aimer !

ffb3166 @ffb3166

White Cuvée 20

Germany / Franken

NatuRIO @NatuRIO

White Cuvée

Lemon bubble gum. Sour patch kids. A tasteful amount of cilantro in a pineapple salsa. This one made me think, and my final answer is I quite like it!

keeknat @keeknat