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Rue des Croix 4, 2014 Auvernier, Switzerland

12 0 6902 KM


Black Rebel

Azienda Agricola Granja Farm - Luca Barbich

Avanà, Becuet, Barbera, Chatus, Neretta - Piemonte - Vino Rosso

Black Rebel - Azienda Agricola Granja Farm - Luca Barbich
Vinomax logo Vinomax - 20 Jul. 2022
5 2 0


6902 KM


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Posted by users:

Amazing a really deep flavoured and unique red without it being super heavy

Mirco domaine de la balle de Suse dan le Piémont italien qui cultive de vieux cépages autochtones. Très belle cuvée, très cuite, tanin souple et une belle acidité. Superbe découverte, pas beaucoup de bouteilles, mais ça vaut le coût.

Natural mountain wine, obtained from ancient indigenous vines (Avanà, Blcuet, Barbera, Baratu- ciat, Neretta Cuneese, Dolcetto ,,), grown on centuries-old terraces carved into the rock nAlta Valsusa. The strategic position that enjoys the perfect micro-climate for grape ripening, the advanced age of the vines, manual cultivation, 100% ECO-sustainable, and the completely natural indication that uses only indigenous yeasts, without the addition of preservatives or other additives , make this wine a product in the respect of our ancient tradition. A purple red color, full bodied, with a fruity fragrance with notes of strawberry , complex and amonlco flavor, with a very pleasant taste of woods.

4 users have posted "Black Rebel"