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Wijnwinkel Wyck

Rechtstraat 49a, 6221 EG Maastricht, Netherlands

14 2 6623 KM


Pépin Orange Accordéoniste

Pépin Vin - Jean Dietrich, Pierre Dietrich, Sarah Hilzendeger, Pierre Sanchez, et Xavier Couturier

Gewurztraminer - Grand Est - Vin de France

Pépin Orange Accordéoniste - Pépin Vin - Jean Dietrich, Pierre Dietrich, Sarah Hilzendeger, Pierre Sanchez, et Xavier Couturier
Wijnwinkel Wyck logo Wijnwinkel Wyck - 20 May. 2023
2 3 0


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Discover wines at Wijnwinkel Wyck
Posted by users:

Floral bouquet in the nose, 15% in the bottle, 100% fun, needs some air before drinking, develops honey, orange peel and quince aroma on the tongue. Very pleasant and floral yet full of character.

Fantastic orange wine with strong character. Notes of fresh flowers in the nose. Taste of orange peel, honey and quince. Despite the 15%, the wine is very drinkable, therefore it should be open at least 45 mins before drinking.

47 users have posted "Pépin Orange Accordéoniste"

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