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Vini Sassara

Alessia & Stefano Bertaiola

9 28 9390 KM

Esotico -

Vini Sassara - Alessia & Stefano Bertaiola

30% red grapes (Corvina, Rossanella, Rondinella, Molinara) and 70% white grapes (Fernanda, Moscato, Trebbianello, Trebbiano, Garganega, Tocai) - Veneto

Total: 3 6 0
À propos

Beautiful peach colour. Some pith, stones, orange rind. Simple and easy to drink. I don’t think it would stand up well against a meal, so would keep as a chilled sipping wine. I tried this wine after a full meal paired with a funky red, which may have paled it. I would be curious to try it again A) pre-meal and B) in 2023 after it has had some time to age/develop and figure itself out a bit.


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"Esotico" publié par les établissements.

Dernières publications de Esotico, par les utilisateurs :

Esotico 2020 - 2020

Light, bright, elegant, with notes of pomegranate, grapefruit, tangerine and wet stone

bjornvh86 @bjornvh86