The Other Right - Alex Schulkin & Galit Shachaf logo

The Other Right

Alex Schulkin & Galit Shachaf

22 30 23409 KM


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Spicy, intense nose, yellow fruits, green apple, pear, baby food, white pepper Intense, dry palate, medium to low acidity and spicy aftertaste

Fresh and saulty , like Jura style !

2 utilisateurs ont posté "Fawn"

Dernières publications de Fawn, par les utilisateurs :

Fawn 2017

Fresh and saulty , like Jura style !

punkit @punkit

Fawn 2017

Spicy, intense nose, yellow fruits, green apple, pear, baby food, white pepper Intense, dry palate, medium to low acidity and spicy aftertaste

punkit @punkit