La Bonne Pioche - Amy et Yohann Rougier logo

La Bonne Pioche

Amy et Yohann Rougier

8 21 8500 KM

Reverie - 2020

La Bonne Pioche - Amy et Yohann Rougier

Mauzac Vert, Mauzac Rose - Sud Ouest - Occitanie

Total: 0 0 0
À propos

Apples and pears in the nose. Oxidized notes in a good way. Some acidity in the mouth, but the residual sugar dominates. However, the acidity balances the sugar in a nice way. Very pleasant!



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Apples and pears in the nose. Oxidized notes in a good way. Some acidity in the mouth, but the residual sugar dominates. However, the acidity balances the sugar in a nice way. Very pleasant!

1 utilisateurs ont posté "Reverie"