Anders Frederik Steen & Anne Bruun Blauert - Anders Frederik Steen & Anne Bruun Blauert logo

Anders Frederik Steen & Anne Bruun Blauert

Anders Frederik Steen & Anne Bruun Blauert

72 185 8770 KM


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Dernières publications de Peach of Mind, par les utilisateurs :

Peach of Mind 2017

Very different from Anders’ other peach themed rosés. This one is more tomato than peach! Like a salty Bloody Mary. Strong hints of pepper and basil. But still utterly refreshing. Not for everyone but definitely worth a try 🍅 🌿

nicobk @nicobk

Peach Of Mind

Une belle rondeur, une acidité bien contre balancée par le sucré. Très bon.

e_chevalier @e_chevalier

Peach Of Mind 2018

Lekker zoet en snelle drinker

mpmvh @mpmvh

Peach Of Mind 2017

Rubarb, crisp acidity, yeasty

baselk @baselk

Peach Of Mind 18

Seoul searching in South Korea. Best damn Thai food with a best friend

RileySims @RileySims

Peach Of Mind

Good acidity, texture, balance and poise.

zer0 @zer0