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Bodega Naranjuez

Antonio Vilchez Valenzuela

8 21 7982 KM

Naranjuez Prisa Mata

Bodega Naranjuez - Antonio Vilchez Valenzuela

Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Garnacha, Syrah - Andalucía

Naranjuez Prisa Mata


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4.4 / $25 / this so not my thing. Not that it's not interesting. Super dark, super bold, musky nose. I kid you not, it is reminiscent of fried chicken skin on the tongue. I love fried chicken skin, but not crazy about my wine echoing that. This is but a small part of the flavor profile, but the wine in general is too bold and in your face for my tastes. It's definitely complex. And other people might really love it. But not for me. Thank you.

2 utilisateurs ont posté "Naranjuez Prisa Mata"

Dernières publications de Naranjuez Prisa Mata, par les utilisateurs :

Naranjuez Prisa Mata

4.4 / $25 / this so not my thing. Not that it's not interesting. Super dark, super bold, musky nose. I kid you not, it is reminiscent of fried chicken skin on the tongue. I love fried chicken skin, but not crazy about my wine echoing that. This is but a small part of the flavor profile, but the wine in general is too bold and in your face for my tastes. It's definitely complex. And other people might really love it. But not for me. Thank you.

rderington @rderington