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Le Coste

Clémentine Bouveron & Gianmarco Antonuzi

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SOS Lago Rosso - 2019

Le Coste - Clémentine Bouveron & Gianmarco Antonuzi

Aleatico - Lazio - Vino rosso

SOS Lago Rosso


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Intoxicating aroma. Gorgeous juice. It would be a travesty if Le Coste is not able to continue producing their wines. The name refers to the protests in opposition to the building of an industrial geothermal electricity plant on the banks of Lago di Bolsena (Lake Bolsena).

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Dernières publications de SOS Lago Rosso, par les utilisateurs :

SOS Lago 2019

Intoxicating aroma. Gorgeous juice. It would be a travesty if Le Coste is not able to continue producing their wines. The name refers to the protests in opposition to the building of an industrial geothermal electricity plant on the banks of Lago di Bolsena (Lake Bolsena).

srenna21 @srenna21