Azienda Agricola Ricci Carlo Daniele - Daniele Ricci logo

Azienda Agricola Ricci Carlo Daniele

Daniele Ricci

17 49 9205 KM

El Matt
Total: 3 1 0
À propos

Full bodied wine with character. Soft in the mouth with strong blackberry, cherry and lacorice notes. One of my favourite “vino da tavola” so far.


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Rich deep & personal prospective taste for Croatina…

Full bodied wine with character. Soft in the mouth with strong blackberry, cherry and lacorice notes. One of my favourite “vino da tavola” so far.

3 utilisateurs ont posté "El Matt"

"El Matt" publié par les établissements.

Dernières publications de El Matt, par les utilisateurs :

El Matt

Rich deep & personal prospective taste for Croatina…

angolodivino @angolodivino