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La Colombaia

Dante & Helena Lomazzi

14 46 9416 KM

Bianco 2020 -

La Colombaia - Dante & Helena Lomazzi

Trebbiano, Malvasia Toscana - Toscana - Bianco Toscana IGT

Bianco 2020


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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Slightly effervescent, a tinsy tannic at the end. Blunted sharpness. Floral. Very herbal on the nose. This is a SPECTACULAR wine produced in Siena, Tuscany. Only 4 hectares with the smallest portion dedicated to the white variety. 4 month skin contact.

Fragrant nose, with quite a fleshy palate, lots of a salinity and a really long finish. Delightful!

5 utilisateurs ont posté "Bianco 2020"

Dernières publications de Bianco 2020, par les utilisateurs :

Bianco 2015

Fragrant nose, with quite a fleshy palate, lots of a salinity and a really long finish. Delightful!

contextwines @contextwines

Bianco 2015

Great wine!!

nogaro @nogaro

Bianco 2016

Excellent 👌

mickael92 @mickael92

Bianco 2017

Slightly effervescent, a tinsy tannic at the end. Blunted sharpness. Floral. Very herbal on the nose. This is a SPECTACULAR wine produced in Siena, Tuscany. Only 4 hectares with the smallest portion dedicated to the white variety. 4 month skin contact.

bato @bato