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Famiglia Radikon

15 198 9680 KM

Oslvaje -

Radikon - Famiglia Radikon

Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay - Friuli-Venezia Giulia - Venezia Giulia IGT

Total: 192 102 0
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Dernières publications de Oslvaje, par les utilisateurs :

Oslvaje 2008

Bellissimo macerato creato da un pilastro della macerazione,i suoi vini sono sempre interessanti e ognuno in maniera positivamente diversa. Incredibile vino!!

f23 @f23

Oslvaje 2005

Quel blanc de macération !

nico_wino @nico_wino

Oslvaje 2010

すっごいグレープ感。 Fruity.

tomato @tomato

Oslvaje 2005

Developed and balanced Acidity is agreeable, no tannins Great one , but you already need to drink it

punkit @punkit

Oslvaje 2002

Very confortable

vsn @vsn

Oslvaje 2011

Une bombe amphoree...s'il ne devait rester qu'un seul vin orange ce serait celui là

jufou @jufou

Oslavje 2012

Smell like a plum and barriqued rhum. Very good acidity taste. I like it

pablos @pablos

Oslavje Riserva Ivana 1999

Magical wine, good shape!

zigah23 @zigah23

Oslvaje 2014

Selfishly, this is my fourth bottle of this one litre of heaven. I keep guzzling it down before I remember to take a picture of it in the glass. It’s not even orange, it’s this fucking delicious almost rose. More importantly, it’s dry but gets me a bit fruity all at once. It’s a top 5 for me - 10/10 gimmes

poppinbotellas @poppinbotellas

Oslvaje 2013

Soo rich and complex….

angolodivino @angolodivino

Oslvaje 2018

Fig, Apple, Dried Fruit… these are the flavours of this Elegant and Intense Wine. Although these are all things to eat and I‘m more of a drinker. This Wine is definetly a must try out of the bottle. It tastes like oil so it‘s WD-40 for your throat… basically made to EX.

conventionaljoel @conventionaljoel

Oslvaje 2003

Smooth but deep taste that lingers in your mouth in a pleasant way

memoriateca @memoriateca

L 1999

Dingue! Un vin orange de macération ici aujourd’hui... tannic complex chaleureux and si much to day but tasting first 😉

champagne @champagne


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