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Françoise Casaubieilh & Pierre Coulomb

8 19 8251 KM

Le Jurasson

Guirardel - Françoise Casaubieilh & Pierre Coulomb

Gros Manseng, Petit Manseng - Sud Ouest - Vin de France

Le Jurasson


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Okay, what does it mean if a bunch of scientists start making wine? Certainly a wine which will not leave you without an opinion. A interesting but intense natural wine which is not suitable for beginners. . 🍷 Jurançon »Jurasson« 👨‍🌾 Domaine Guirardel 🎨 White 🍇 Manseng (Gros & Petit) 🌍 Jurançon, France 👃 Oak, ripe apricot, floral 😋 Oily, vanilla, summer fruits, candided fruits

Belle longueur belle expression très bon

4 utilisateurs ont posté "Le Jurasson"

Dernières publications de Le Jurasson, par les utilisateurs :

Le Jurasson 2013

Belle longueur belle expression très bon


Le Jurasson

Okay, what does it mean if a bunch of scientists start making wine? Certainly a wine which will not leave you without an opinion. A interesting but intense natural wine which is not suitable for beginners. . 🍷 Jurançon »Jurasson« 👨‍🌾 Domaine Guirardel 🎨 White 🍇 Manseng (Gros & Petit) 🌍 Jurançon, France 👃 Oak, ripe apricot, floral 😋 Oily, vanilla, summer fruits, candided fruits

cheffelicianozh @cheffelicianozh