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Gianfranco Manca

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Survivor - 2015

Panevino - Gianfranco Manca

Cannonau - Sardegna

Total: 8 2 0
À propos

Peculiar and pleasant rose wine from Panevino, Sardinia. It's called survivor because it's made from the few grapes that survived the hail storm that year...


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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Nail polish meet alcoholic bomb

Peculiar and pleasant rose wine from Panevino, Sardinia. It's called survivor because it's made from the few grapes that survived the hail storm that year...

2 utilisateurs ont posté "Survivor"

Dernières publications de Survivor, par les utilisateurs :

Survivor 2015

Nail polish meet alcoholic bomb

Strega @Strega